Police on alert in R A Puram and Alwarpet as Jayalalithaa zips in and out of poll campaigns

MT JAYA ZIPSAIADMK leader J. Jayalalithaa’s campaigns for Elections 2016 is keeping city police on their toes; as the chief minister zips to and from the airport where she takes the helicopter to different parts of the state, her convoy has to pass through Alwarpet and R A Puram.

Since the past week, police have been posted on the route that the CM takes every morning and at night.

On Sunday night, at about 8.30 p.m. the police men and women on Chamiers Road and TTK Road were on alert and at their posts as the CM and her convoy zipped to Poes Gardens, where the CM resides.

Traffic though is stopped for about 5 minutes for the convoy to move on and this does not create much chaos though.

For the police staff though, in the searing summer, the duty here is difficult. Many policewomen sit at bus stops or take forty winks when they can, to recover from the summer weariness.

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