Full house for Dummies’ new Thamizh play

MT DUMMIESThe auditorium of Narada Gana Sabha in Alwarpet was packed to the aisles on Saturday evening as people filled in to watch a Thamizh play ‘ Raghuraman’ by the Dummies theatre group. Seats were filled up well before the curtain went up at 7 p.m., this the second day of the Kodai Nataka Vizha, the annual drama fest of Kartik Fine Arts.

This annual fest allows groups to premiere their plays which then do the rounds of then sabhas.

Dummies has cultivated a good following and this evening’s full house indicated that drama still draws a good audience.

The play too was engaging – tensions between close business partners, intertwined with references to instances in the ‘Ramayana’ and the play of undercurrents of a builder-husband and a IIT grad housewife and their son.

Still, as is the case with most Thamizh plays, this too was a ‘stand a deliver’ styled production. Less of real acting and denser in dialogues and delivery.

This summer season though, the sabha’s drama fest is a welcome diversion every evening; admission is free.

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One Comment on “Full house for Dummies’ new Thamizh play”

  1. I think there is nothing called resl in acting as it is always unreal. I have perdonally experienced the situation shown where my problem is linked to Epics by a guest at home- a Swamiji.
    Most Of the peopke in the hall enjoyed the drama .

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