Volunteers clear mada streets of leftover food and waste

A few community groups took it up on themselves to clean the mada streets after the arabathumoovar festival held on Monday. Loads of paper plates and cups and lots of left over food given as annadhanam was found dumped on the streets and in corners and since it was a hot day, the food began to stink later that evening.

A group of volunteers from Ramakrishna Mission in Mylapore, wearing masks and aprons and wearing gloves, used large brooms to clean the streets late at night.

A few local NGOs were also involved in the clean-up.

Many groups prepare and give food to devotees but much of that food is dumped after some is partaken and this has sullied the streets around the temple, creating a very uncivic atmosphere.

This year, the effort of a small group of NGOs helped to clear the mess.

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