Sruti Harihara Subramanian’s docu-film wins National award

Sruti Harihara Subramanian’s documentary film titled  ‘A Far Afternoon – A Painted Saga” has won the National Award for the Best Art Cultural Film was announced yesterday when the juries made public the national awards for films in various categories.

The film is on India’s well known artist, Krishen Khanna – Sruti shot the film when the artist was starting to work on his biggest work of art.

Sruti, a Vidya Mandir alumni had earlier launched the Cinema Resources Centre at her office on Bawa Road, Alwarpet. Here, she has her collections of posters, song books, stills and all such material relating to films, mostly south Indian. She has also collected books and cassettes. Cinema students use this place for research.

She is also involved in running Ashwita bistro here.

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