One local NGO hopes to discourage people from wasting annadhanam food

At least one voluntary body has decided that it will do something to ensure that leftover food from annadhanam given out at the arabathumoovar celebration of the Panguni festival in Mylapore will not be wasted and seen dumped on the mada streets.

Thuvakkam, the NGO says that its volunteers will be sensitizing all the groups which plan to donate annadhanam to the people visiting the Sri Kapali Temple for the grand arabathumoovar procession – the afternoon when the 63 saints go out on to the mada streets.

Usually, lots of rice varieties and snacks and buttermilk is given out by groups to the devotees but of late, many people taste a bit of the food and then toss off the food and plates, thus messing up the streets and creating a civic problem.

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