Churches to host services to mark final phase of Lent

For churches in the neighborhood as elsewhere, this is the start of the finale of the Lenten season in the church calendar – a  time when Christians have been reflecting on the death of Jesus and what it means to them, on issues like repentance, forgiveness and piety.

Maundy Thursday, that is today sets the tone for the final four days of Lent – a day which celebrates the institution of priesthood and Holy Communion.

Good Friday follows – a time to recall events that led to the crucifixion of Jesus. And the week ends with Easter, the day Christians believe Jesus rose from the dead.

Services will be held on all days of this phase of Lent and since the attendance is  big in large campuses like San Thome Cathedral and Our Lady of Guidance Church, some services are  being held outdoors.

In some churches, youth have organised dramatized events on Good Friday that recreate the events leading to Jesus’ death.

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