Teppam in Chitrakulam starts on Monday evening

MT TEPPAM RUPIAnother teppam festival began in the Chitrakulam zone on Monday evening in Mylapore – Sri Adi Kesavaperumal Temple.  This festival is celebrated from  thai amavasai for 4 days.  The swami is brought out of the temple, seen decorated at its best with lots of devotees following the Lord led by the nagaswaram artistes.  The temple zone, which lies to the south of Chitrakulam was decorated with flowers and lights and as the first evening of the teppam rolled out, crackers were burst and they lit the night skies of Mylapore.

This Monday evening the Lord was taken around thrice in the float, which moved at a slow pace in the tank which had been cleaned and white-washed for this festival.
The steps leading down from the three gates to the kulam allowed for seniors and children to sit down nd watch the float pass by.

57 year-old Venkatraman  had come all the way from Anna Nagar to be a part of this event and was very excited about it. Sarojini, a resident of Mylapore. said she has been witnessing this teppam for 35 years.

Kavitha had come along with her 7-year-old son; they had heard that children would be allowed into the float for one round and were looking forward to this opportunity.

The streets around Chitrakulam were cleaned and the lighting made the area look bright and neat.

  • Photo and report by Rupika S.
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