Musical treat at vintage house; funds given to schools affected by deluge

MT LUZ HOUSE SHOWLuz House, the heritage bungalow of another era which sits behind a petrol station on Luz Church Road hosted a unique classical music concert on Sunday last, January 3. It began at about 7.30 am and went on for about an hour. About 75 / 85 people attended it.

Pianist Anil Srinivasan first played alongside veena artiste Jayanthi Kumaresh and in the second session, played alongside vocalist Sikkil Gurucharan. Percussionist B S Purushothaman accompanied them.

This was an event by Rhapsody with which Anil is involved. It has raised finds to help a few organisations affected by the December floods. CIT Nagar-based M P Anandh School received a donation that morning.

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