Feast of saint Lazarus celebrated

MT LAZAR CHURCHThe annual feast of saint Lazarus has been celebrated this weekend at the Our Lady of Guidance Church in R A Puram. Last night and this morning,  a string of decorated cars carrying the images of various saints including saint Lazarus were taken around in a procession through the neighborhood after Holy Mass at the church.

This feast, which began as a religious celebration curated and celebrated by the early Christians of this area and later merged into the local church calendar is primarily hosted by a section of the congregation of this parish.

The feast started on January 21 with the hoisting of the flag and novenas were held every day during Holy Mass.

They are keen to carry on the legacy of their old generations.

Sidewalks around the church on Lazarus Church Road are packed with hawker stalls, a feature that was part of the festival of the past. Today though, must of what is on sale is plastic and kitsch.

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