People are still talking of ‘unaffected’ Mylapore as rains hold up

MT RAGASUDHA AREAPeople are still talking about how the central Mylapore area remained unaffected through the past week and the deluge. Walk into sabha halls or local restaurants or store or on the mada veedhis and if you are a non-Mylapore resident then the Mylaporean is keen to tell you how life was not upset and how lucky they all are.

The hawkers had their regulars, so did the eat outs. People who visit temples daily, did so all of the week. “It was only when the downpour got severe on December 1 night that streets were deserted and water rose,” said one Mylaporean at the Bhavans hall, who had come for a con cert.

Mylaporeans credit the temple tanks for the flow of water into them and thus taking the load off the streets.

On Tuesday, the mada streets and the surrounding areas were abuzz and but for some badly potholed streets, you would not have been able to tell that a flood had washed this place a few days ago.

Though rasikas are thin at some small halls, the concerts are on and on time.

This photo shows the area around Raga Sudha hall. Luz.

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