R. A. Puram resident dies after being injured in accident caused by pipeline ditch created to drain floodwater

A local electrician who resides in a colony off the Canal in R A Puram has died after he sustained serious injuries when he was thrown off his bike that ran into the ditch created by civic workers to lay pipes to drain floodwater.

Babu worked in local colonies and his family said when he complained of body pain after the accident that took place on Friday night, he was taken to Govt. General Hospital the next day and he passed away on Tuesday morning.

The hospital has said he died of cardiopulmonary arrest but Babu’s relatives say the accident injuries were the cause of his death. When he was examined by hospital staff they had said his spine had been injured.

The community where Babu resided staged a protest on the main road to highlight the local issue and the life it had claimed.

Civic workers had on the weekend, dug up this main and busy road at two points to lay pipes to drain the floodwater. Obviously, the half-done work is posing serious dangers to motorists.

This part of R A Puram has been facing serious flooding problems since the monsoon hit tyne city.

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