Local girls win table tennis titles

538199_300654906685303_1465782869_nAmritha Pushpak, resident of R. A. Puram, won the titles in Youth girls and Women’s category in the 8th state ranking tournament conducted on Sep 27 at Nehru Stadium.






IMG_3243C. Swetha Steffi, a resident of Mylapore, has won the title in the Sub-Junior girls category in the 7th state ranking table tennis tournament concluded on Sep 20.


Both the players are students of St. Michaels Table Tennis Academy, Adayar.

Every year 8 state tanking tournaments and 1 state championship match are conducted in the state. From these matches, 4 people are selected to make up the state team for the nationals.

For more details, contact their coach V. S. Rajan at 9791158023.


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