Screening of documentary at Alwarpet

Ashvita Bistro and TCRC have organised the screening of a movie  “Amma & Appa”at Ashvita Bistro. The movie is written and directed by Franziska Schönenberger and  Jayakrishnan Subramanian. It is a movie about the culture clash between India and Germany and tells the story of two married couples – both around the same age, both married for more than thirty years; yet from totally different cultural settings: Bavaria and India. They come together because their children have fallen in love and want to shoot a documentary about this meeting of cultures.

The Screening would be followed by a discussion and Q&A with the movie makers Franziska Schönenberger & Jayakrishnan Subramanian. On Aug 23 at 11 Bawa Road, Alwarpet, 7 p.m. To confirm your slot, SMS ‘Movie’ with your name and email id to 9791088189.
You can see a trailer of the movie here:

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