Nilgiris store opens on C. P. Ramaswamy Road

20150731101921_IMG_4524A Nilgiris supermarket has opened on Friday on C. P. Ramaswamy Road, Alwarpet, just metres south of the location where one similar shoe existed till some months ago.

There was an air of excitement in the store, as the kuthuvilakku was lit and a cake was cut earlier in the day to signal the store launch. All through the morning, local residents who had missed the supermarket, kept walking in, picking up familiar items or just taking note of the new products.

The store is designed in the brand colours of green and white. The Nilgiris brand grocery products are stocked in shelves alone one long aisle. Also evident are more organic foodstuff. The freezer and cooler sections are not yet in full service. The fresh vegetable and fruit stall is also part of the store here.

20150731101822_IMG_4520Two new additions will gladen shoppers. One is the Leo Coffee machine counter where customers can mix and match coffee grains and have their coffee powder roasted and ground fresh at this store.

The other is the baked goods selection. An array of freshly baked cakes, puffs and related foodstuff is  being offered. Birthday cakes can be ordered at this store.

The only issue for shoppers who come here in cars is the limited parking available – and already, parked cars on this busy road is adding to the traffic jams here. The store itself has been carved out of an independent house that stood in this plot.

Address: 50, C. P. Ramaswami Road, R. A. Puram.

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