Residents association distributes free buttermilk

20150527114503_IMG_2555For the past 20 days members of Kumara Vijayam residents association (located opposite Vidhya Mandir school) are distributing buttermilk near the Mundakanniamman station. The idea was first proposed by Secretary C. Gopalan but was taken up with gusto by all the residents of the flat.

It is a group effort – each member buys 3L milk everyday for this and provides the curd.

They are also very conscious about not using paper cups to be environment friendly. They use plastic cups – requesting the people drinking the buttermilk not to sip and taking turns to clean the cups after each use.

The children in the flat seem to enjoy doing this too. This simple activity has brought the whole neighborhood together, while quenching the thirst of many!


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