Corporation promises pavement plaza in Sri Kapali Temple precinct

Chennai Corporation is assuring MYlaporeans that they will get the proposed pavement plaza which is to cover Luz Church Road, Kutchery Road and the three mada streets around Sri Kapali temple. The contractor for this project has been identified and the plaza should be ready by end of year.

If that happens then people will be able to walk from the Nageswara Rao Park end and head to the temple or go down Kutchery Road. The pavement is designed to run in the centre of this wide road.

The pavements will be very wide and this may reduce the road width of the mada streets. The idea is to make North and South Mada Streets ‘one way’ and encourage walk ways.

Traffic will also be restricted in the inner streets. The idea is to make the temple precinct free of traffic and make access easy.

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