Art show by students of Stella Maris College

MT STELLA 2‘Sahasra’ an art exhibition cum sale that showcases the paintings of 15 final year undergraduate art students of the Dept. of Fine Arts at Stella Maris College is on at Art Houz till Apr 21. 

We took a quick look at the works on display.

Abirami Annamalai has depicted the intricate facets of the Nagarthars. Sanjana Srinivasan has gone into the depths of hierarchy and social taboos regarding the space we give to people of lower caste. Her headless men are a metaphor to the fact that anyone can be subject to discrimination.
MT STELLA 1Alamelu Annhamalai has another set of works where she has delved into the inner self present in each person though her 5 canvasses. Hannah Fathima Khan has expressed her joy with regard to lanterns while Srinidhisha B. has titled her series ‘ Only Time Will Tell’ with panels that have clocks and gears embossed on them.
Anushiya Aarthi has conveyed the emotional agony, pain and anger through her white and black oil strokes. Her frames have been cracked to suit the message.
Rachel Swetha T throws light in the disconnection in today’s communication which has effected almost everyone. She has also an installation to add to her concept.
Nikita’s work has a scientific touch as it explores the chakras of the body, while Pratheesha P has explored the Pooram festival related to the Kerala culture. Ambika Babu has in a suttle way conveyed her wish to understand her religious culture through her paintings.
Layoona Sulaiman has titled her work , ‘Inner Secrets’ , while Manasi B has named hers ‘ Signs In nature’. Bharathi l and Ruby Maria S have deeply explored their religion and religious idols throughout  their displays. Maria Chacko’s bold colours have been titled ‘ Sifting Through Permanance’.
All the paintings are on sale and price will be disclosed only on request.
The exhibition began on 17th of April and will be on until the 21st of April ,7pm.

At 41, Kasthuri Rangan Road, Alwarpet, 7 p.m. Ph: 24992173.


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