Work apace on second phase of Adyar Poonga

MT CREEKWork is apace at the second phase of the Adyar Poonga project in R A Puram with water from the Adyar Estuary cleaned and contained in the bay-like formation and a wide, high embankment being set up on its edge all around the bay.

This is evident as you walk or drive past the area in the Foreshore Estate zone, on Bro D G S Dhinakaram Road. Over the past few months, the bay bed has been sifted of muck and waste and the soil has been rid of garbage. Fresh soil has been added to the banks and saplings will be planted all over to create a forest like bank akin to the one created in the first phase of the Poonga project.

The area is bounded off now. This part of the project is far bigger in expanse and demand – since a huge line of human settlements dot the fringe of the bay it will need the project managers to ensure the area is not polluted and alternate means to see of sewage and water from the colonies is provided for.

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