Stage set for Panguni fest at Sri Kapali Temple

MT P THERThe stage is set in Sri Kapali Temple and its environs for yet another Panguni Fest. The civic body has relaid some portions of the veedhis so that the chariots move freely, the pandas are all up on the streets, the ther stands free in the opened shed, the vahams are ready to be used in the corridors of the temple and there is a palpable excitement among the devotees.

On Tuesday evening, people at the temple pocketed sheets carrying the Panguni program me while some read the big flex notices all around.

Some places like the Vanniyar Sangam hall and Sri Karpagambal Mess have erected pandas at their gates and strung illuminations too.

The fest flags off with rituals at the Kozhavizhiamman Temple on Wednesday morning, the grama devathai of this neighborhood.

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