Music therapist gets award

Lakshmi Mohan has been a music therapist for more than a decade now. Her students are children and adults with autism.

DSC00275-1She has, in her class, verbal and non verbal children; children who have trouble concentrating or even sitting still for a few minutes. Lakshmi uses bhajans as a means of communicating with them, since the repetitive nature of the bhajans helps the children concentrate on the words and grasp the words quickly. She has released an audio CD titled ‘Listen to my heart’ with 15 bhajans sung by four of her students. She is in the process of making another CD ‘Heaven Unplugged’.

As a celebration of International Women’s Day, Feather Creations and CTN online News Channel have presented Lakshmi Mohan the “Feather Lady 2015” award in recognition of her work with these children.
Lakshmi is a resident of R.A.Puram and works with The Lotus Foundation.

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