Celebration time at Akshara Play School

MT AKSHARAAkshara Play School, Mylapore celebrated its 13th Annual Day and had its convocation ceremony too on February 27 at the Narada Gana Sabha hall. The guest of the evening was Rev.Bro. A. Thomas Selva, Principal, St.Joseph Higher Secondary School, Chengleput. There were music, dance and performance shows by groups of children who attend this play school.

Jayashree Mukunthan, director and correspondent of Akshara presented the 13th Annnual Day report and briefed the audience about the importance of Play Schools and the various methods and techniques adopted by Akshara.

She said the main aim of the celebration is to bring every child on stage, whether they perform or not, in order to shed their inhibitions and to have self confidence.

She also spoke about the free tuition classes for class X students which are run at Akshara with the help of a donor – this has been done to help the downtrodden students, who cannot afford tuitions.

Akshara has also got the facility for learning music, dance, Hindi, chess, drawing and more.

Akshara Play School is at 23, Arisikara Street, My;apore. Tel:24614676.

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