Beat the heat with buttermilk

IMG_9198For 15 years, the ladies of OGS Trust on Ranga road and Sri Satya Sai devotees have been providing free cups of buttermilk from a stall located on Ranga road. 

Usually they do this service during the Panguni festival at Kapali temple.This year, they have begun  1 day before the kodi at Kapali temple and are planning continue till the day after the close of the festival, making it a total of 12 days that they run the stall. There are about 25 ladies in the trust and they take turns manning the stall, collecting the ingredients for the buttermilk and making the buttermilk.

Not only that, after the completion of the Panguni fest, the ladies also run a water stall at the same place from March till June. There are 2 pots of water kept here and a person is also appointed by the trust to ensure that the pots are filled with water.

Kudos to the women of Ranga road !


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