Ten years of mike-less concerts in Luz park

MT PARK KUTThe monthly Sunday kutcheri in the Park organised by Sundaram Finance on the first Sunday of every month has entered the tenth year.

Said T T Srinivasaraghavan, MD, Sundaram Finance Ltd., ‘The idea behind the Sunday Kutcheri in the Park when we launched it in February 2006 was to promote young talent aged below 15 years and to provide them with a launch pad. We are pleased that during this period close to 1000 children have presented kutcheris with many of them having graduated to the next level including presenting kutcheris in leading sabhas.’

To kick off the 10th year of the Kutcheri in the Park, eight children aged below 15 years from ‘Veenavadhini Sangita Sampradaya Trust’ presented a Group Mikeless Kutcheri on Sunday (Feb 1) morning at the Nageswara Rao Park in Mylapore.

The students are learning music from Jeyaraaj Krishnan and Jayasri Jeyaraaj Krishnan, disciples of late Anantharama Iyer and from Champakavalli who are from the sishya parampara of Muthuswamy Dikshithar.

The group was accompanied on the veena by H R Meenakshi, on the violin by T V Sukanya and on the mridangam by R Pranav, the students presented a variety of compositions.

The students also presented ‘Nottu Swaram’, a master piece by Muthuswamy Dikshihar composed with Sanskrit lyrics to Western melodies.

Sankara Kumar, VP, Sundaram Finance presented certificates and mementos to the artistes.

No mikes and speakers are used at the kutcheri.

Sundaram Finance conducts audition to select the artistes for the monthly kutcheri. To register for the audition: call 94450 34557 or email sundaykutcheri@sundaramfinance.in


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