Calibre International School conducts sports day

Calibre International school - sports day

Calibre International School organised its 9th annual sports meet on Feb 1 at CSI School for the Deaf, San Thome. Students from all classes enthusiastically participated in numerous track and field events. Dr. R. N. Krishna, founder and correspondent of Boston International School, Chennai, Karthick Gopinathan, international fencing champion and Akash, a promising young swimmer were the special invitees.

The event commenced with the hoisting of the school flag after which the meet was declared open. Oath taking and lighting of the torch followed after which students participated in a march past and drill. The highlight of the sports meet was the pyramid formation and display of yoga postures by students of classes VI – X.

Other events included figure marching (students make set patterns like geometric shapes and concentric circles) and a zumba dance performed by the KG and primary students. The overall championship was won by the White House and the best athlete awards were given to Ilyas Bhagat of class X and Gayatryy Dhandapani of class VII.

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