Man falls on pot-holed Mandaveli Street and dies

The death of a flour mill worker who is said to have met his end after he slipped and fell because of potholed, slippery condition of Mandaveli Street highlights a civic issue that residents say has been neglected for a long time.

The man, who had stepped out to have a cup of tea away from his workplace on Monday last is said to have been baldy hurt from the fall on this street which has been dug up and not been relaid for over a year. He died on the spot, said police.

Local people are said to have shown their anger at the poor civic condition when the local area councillor got to the spot. Small efforts were made to fill the potholes.

People here say such steps will not help and fear the condition will turn bad once the monsoon sets in and rains batter the already bad road.

This road is a busy and key one since it connects a market, schools and many colonies, off R. K. Math Road.

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