Clean India campaign starts in Mylapore too


Students from Sri Ramakrishna Mission enthusiastically cleaned the streets around the Vivekananda College campus in Mylapore on Thursday morning.

They were participating in Modi’s ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’ campaign. The photo of this event was sent in by Latha Dubey.

At the MRTS station in Mandaveli, we saw workers engaged by the Rotary Club of Madras Central cleaning the lobby and steps of this station on Sringeri Mutt Road. Railways staff also got into the act in their offices here.

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One Comment on “Clean India campaign starts in Mylapore too”

  1. I witnessed the boys do the cleaning it is really good that Sri Ramakrishna Mission has taken up such a noble work and I personally congratulated the boys and their leader.

    I wish them all success in their future endevours.

    A small suggestion: If the boys conduct Public awareness camp among the residents it would be fine, because their work go unnoticed since many of them are indoors and they are not even aware.

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