Day one of MT Kolu Contest over; coverage ends on Sunday

Day One of the annual Mylapore Times Kolu Contest ended at about 7 p.m. on Friday with video graphing of 39 kolas of families who have registered for this contest. Locating the houses, setting up the equipment and shooting for 2/3 minutes is hard work and takes time but this has been the practice for some years now.

This work will continue on Saturday ( till 5 pm) and on Sunday and the team hopes to finish the shoot covering all 75 houses by Sunday noontime.

The judge will shortlist the impressive main kolas and good theme models alongside the main kolas and on Tuesday will personally visit these and then decide the 10 best in they two categories.

The prize distribution event is on Oct.4, Saturday at Arkay Centre, Luz and is open to the contestants where the video clips of all contestants will be screened.

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3 Comments on “Day one of MT Kolu Contest over; coverage ends on Sunday”

  1. We have displayed an amazing kolu at our residence in 27, Baroda Villa, Sir P.S Sivaswamy Road, Mylapore, Chennai. Please visit our kolu and include our entry for the contest. Thanks.

  2. I have put a grand golu in my house at 36A, workers estate, neelangarai, chennai 600041. PH 43865982. If possible pl include my entry also in the golu contest

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