Dr. Meena Muthiah is 81

The 81st birthday celebrations of philanthropist and educationist Dr. Meena Muthiah will be held on Sep 25. The event starts off with the welcome address by S. Amudha Lakshmi, principal of Chettinad Vidyashram. This will be followed by a special address by Dr. B. K. Krishnaraj Vanavarayar, Chairman of BVB, Coimbatore kendra,

Dr. Saradha Nambi Aarooran, former State Information Commissioner and Sukhi Sivam. A dance – Ananda Vaibhavam by the students of Kumara Rani Meena Muthiah College of Arts and Science and Chettinad Kalaikoodam will follow. The event ends with a Tamil debate on “The progress in the life of a woman – is it based on education or experience” with Dr. Solomon Papiah as the judge.

At Mayor Ramanathan Chettiar Hall, No. 75/2, Santhome High Road, MRC Nagar, R. A. Puram.

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