P. S. Senior team comes second in Madras Week multimedia contest on city temples

The team from TI Matric School, Ambattur won the first prize and a rolling trophy in the 2014 edition of the Heritage of Chennai Multimedia Presentation Contest for city schools held in connection with Madras Week. The theme for the contest this time was Temples of Chennai.

The team from P. S. Senior got the second prize and the team from Sankaralingam Nadar School, Old Washermenpet won the third prize.

The event was held on August 19 at Srinivasa Sastri Hall, Luz ( the hall was provided free by SINA as a event partner).

Dr Chitra Madhavan, scholar and writer who was also a judge for this contest gave away the prizes. The contest which began at 9.15 am ended at 3 p.m. and attracted 21 schools.

Teams studied temples which were located across the city, some in their backyard some away from their schools.

The event was sponsored by Mylapore Times. Yocee sponsored its Kids Directory for all participants.

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