Obit: Mary Adeline Saldanha

OBIT Mary AdelineMary Adeline Saldanha passed away on August 13 at San Thome. She was a familiar figure around Mylapore since she moved there after her husband’s retirement in 1984. The daughter-in-law of Dr. and Dr. Mrs. Frank Saldanha, residents at Kutchery Road, she came into the family as a young bride from Mangalore. She was the daughter of Gregory and Martha Coelho of Kankanady. 

Always full of empathy, she has helped many a poor person who came into her life, through difficult times. A devout Catholic, she was a familiar figure at both the Basilica and the Luz Church. She loved nature, and gardening was a passion. Her garden was lush and green and the golden oriole, the golden backed wood pecker, hoopoe, the kingfisher, the seven sisters and numerous parrots were frequent visitors. Although she was, as she herself claimed, a country girl, it was not long before she travelled India on her husband’s military postings and picked up her sense of style and elegance. Her home was a warm and welcoming space for family and friends. Young at heart till the end, young people flocked together at her home where she was often at the center of many a young gathering.

A great lover of the arts, she enjoyed visiting music and cultural programs in Chennai. She enjoyed living in Mylapore because of its rich cultural heritage.

The family resides at 159 San Thome High Road. Ph: 24984609.

– Tribute by daughter Kathy

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