Dr. Abdul Kalam visits QMC

Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, former president of India visited Queen Mary’s College on August 21 to address the students as part of the college’s centenary celebrations and interacted with the student community here.

Dr. Abdul Kalam started his speech with the stories of women achievers all over the globe. He then elaborated on the ‘Siruthuli Iyakkam’ movement of Coimbatore and then dealt with his favorite theme – ‘dreaming positively’.

Then, he recited two poems which the students repeated line by line.
He concluded with a song of Bharathi, ‘Udayakkani’.

In the interaction session with students he quoted four important aspects to be borne in mind by students. 1. Aim high. 2 Acquire the necessary knowledge. 3. Put in hard work 4. Do not get disturbed by hardships.

Earlier, he visited the exhibition arranged by post-graduate students of Physics Department which saw the participation of students from different colleges on the topic ‘Save resources and going green’.

– Reported by V. Vasantha.

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