Uniforms distributed to students of St. Lazarus School, Mandavelipakkam


Mayuri Ladies Club recently distributed about 50 uniforms to the students of St. Lazarus School, Mandavelipakkam. The club was started by U. Mamatha Madhav and Selvi Sampath about seven years ago. They have about 40 members and they meet once a month.

Mamatha says, ” We wanted to do something for children and since this school was very close to our club, we decided to help the children at this school. We have been doing this for five years. We also help the school out during Independence Day and sponsor prizes for certain events.”

At their monthly meetings, the club also encourages women to talk about various topics and rid their fear of public speaking. The club is located at Tachi Arunachala Street, Mylapore. Ph: 24954105.

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