Long-distance runs in San Thome affect church-goers: access restricted

Early morning church-goers have to address a problem caused by marathon or long distance runs conducted on San Thome High Road. Blocking one side of the road prevents those who drive to churches here to attend Sunday services from accessing the church campuses. People who attend Mass at the San Thome Cathedral found this Sunday morning that a long distance run was on and that police had cut off access to the church since 6.30 a.m.

“We had to drop our plans for the 7.15 a.m. Mass and go for the 9.45a.m. service,” said Colin, a resident of Custian Beach Road who ferries a senior neighbor to the San Thome Cathedral.

Colin says that whenever a marathon or run covers this busy road access is restricted since 6 a.m. and since there are a few churches on this main road, the restricted access does affect church-goers. “We have to park our cars elsewhere and walk some distance to the church,” said Colin.

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