Chennai Coastal Cleanup drive creates waves

ChnCoastalCleanupVolunteers numbering nearly 7000 congregated at various points of the coastlines of the city’s beaches as well as at 7 cities and over 4 lakes in the early hours of June 8.

Families including kids of all ages, employees from 150 companies, individuals and NGOs participated in the massive Chennai Coastal Cleanup operation organised by Chennai Trekking Club, for the 5th year in succession.



Awareness campaigns were run to sensitise the public on the hazards of plastic waste, and the importance of source segregation and recycling.

Scores of people from Mylapore cleared the areas on Marina beach near the lighthouse as well as through San Thome. A total of 50 tonnes of garbage was collected and around 80% of this will be recycled and used to lay plastic roads. Photo here is of a group that helped clear waste from Foreshore Estate, San Thome. More pictures are available on the Chennai Coastal Cleanup Facebook page.






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