Three educationists felicitated at R. A. Puram middle school

Lazarus-Middle-School-Annual-day-celebrationThree teachers were felicitated on Monday evening at a long function held at Saint Lazarus Middle School. They were the Headmistress Sister Irudhya Mary, educational co ordinator of the Bon Secours congregation which runs this school, Sister Leena Mary and senior teacher T. Amali Saroja.

The three are retiring at the end of this academic year and all of them have contributed immensely to education here and elsewhere.

A string of chief guests were present at the event which also marked the school’s Annual Day. Speeches, cultural programmes and awards to best students marked the event on this campus which is off Madha Church Road in R. A. Puram.

The school caters to children of poor and low income families in and around this area. The Bon Secours nuns have been in this area for a very long time.

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