RR Sabha’s Annual Music Season ends this week

Rasika Ranjani Sabha of Sundareshwarar Street, Mylapore is hosting its Annual Music Season of this year.

The last three days from today to December 20 will feature vocal artists Amirtha Murali, Dr. Vijayalakshmy Subramaniam, Sundeep Narayanan, Dr. Rajeshwari and Dr. Pandula Rama. The last day’s concert will include a veena recital by B. Kannan.

The event was inaugurated on December 15 by veena maestro E. Gayathri, also the vice-chancellor of Tamilnadu Music and Fine Arts University. Malladi Brothers had opened the festival with their vocal concert.

Programmes are at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. At PS High School, RK Mutt Road, Mylapore. Contact 24641767 for details.



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