Kartik Fine Arts’ music fest opens on Sunday

The first big launch of the December Season is of Kartik Fine Arts sabha and it takes place on December 1 t the Sathguru Gnanananda Hall of Narada Gana Sabha, Alwarpet at 10.30 a.m.

Sabha executives said that since it was a Sunday, they decided to have the launch in the morning and host a series of recitals through the day.

Justice Chitra Venkataraman, Madras High Court judge will be the chief guest.

Awards will be given to dancer Uma Sathya Narayanan and vocalist Nisha Rajagopal.

Dancer Krithika Subramaniam presents a theme dancer recital, ‘Sri’ at 11.30 a.m.

The event is open to all  rasikas.

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