Carnatic music raga Guide on sale

The palm-sized book called RIG-3 or (Raga Identification Guide version 3) has had its demand among rasikas.

The current one that is out is a reprint of earlier issues with some additions, based on the response by rasikas, says K. Balasubramaniam, convener of Balaganamrutham, which is a registered trust promoting young talent in classical music.

The book contains nearly 6500 kritis/songs with relevant ragas/composers, and is available for sale; proceeds of which go towards the trust’s activities. The under-300 page guide is easy to carry and very useful for music lovers, continues Balasubramaniam.

The book is priced at Rs. 75 and limited copies are available for pick up at KutcheriBuzz office, Corporation Complex, 77, C. P. Ramaswamy Road, Alwarpet. 11 am to 5 pm only. Contact – Parameswaran.

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