Chess set made of clay and cloth

IMGP8663The 2013 FIDE World Chess Championship is currently under way in Chennai until November 28. The games are scheduled for 9 days (with rest days in between) and all games start at 3 PM IST.

Tie-break games will be played on the last day. Grandmaster Magnus Carlsen is in a face-off with India’s Grandmaster Vishwanathan Anand, whose family resides in Mylapore. The scores are currently tied at 1.5 points each, with nine more games to go. The international championship games can be followed live online.

In keeping with the chess fever raging in the city, Radha Sekar from RK Salai, Mylapore sent in this photograph.

The photo depicts a larger than life chess set made out of clay. Krishna Arcot made the set as part of her 12th standard art paper project at The Valley School (a J. Krishnamurthi school), Bangalore. She says it took her 3 months to make it using plaster of paris moulds for the chess pieces and saree falls painstakingly stitched together to make the cloth chessboard. The ‘king’ in this chess set is nearly 18 inches tall.

Proud grandmother Radha Sekar says she was reminded of her granddaughter Krishna’s work of art during the current world chess event in Chennai. The clay chess set is in Valmiki Nagar, Chennai.


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5 Comments on “Chess set made of clay and cloth”

  1. Krishna, this is lovely. Mies van der Rohe famously said “A chair is a very difficult object. A skyscraper is almost easier. That is why Chippendale is so famous.” This is your chair. I’m certain we’re going to see some very nice design from you in the years to come ……

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