Thief makes the best of bag’s contents

A resident of Mylapore lost about Rs.50,000 on Saturday after a thief picked up her ATM card, swiped it in a jiffy and made off with the money.

The victim, a woman on her bike had stopped by at a school in Alamelumangapuram but forgot to take her handbag along with her when she went inside.

Minutes later, a SMS alert on her handphone showed that money had been withdrawn. She alerted her bank which is located closely to ask it to ‘stop payment’ but it was a tad late.

Meanwhile, someone else found the bag and the purse with the card abandoned on a bike and had also alerted the bank of this ‘missing’ bag.

It was later found that the woman had left a slip with the code she used at the ATM to do her business and that the thief had cooly used the code to quickly withdraw cash at a ATM closely.

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