Vinayaka Chathurthi event passes off peacefully

VINAYAGAR at patinampakkam beach  on 15-9-13The Vinayaka Chathurthi procession in the Mylapore area went off peacefully on Sunday though traffic jams caused problems for local people at road junctions.

The procession which began in the morning went on till late evening as the lorries, carts and trucks carrying images of the lord went down San Thome High Road and turned to the seaside of Foreshore Estate.

Thick police security helped to regulate the procession. The Foreshore Estate beachside was one of the four places designated for the immersion of large images in the city

The vehicles had to stop on the edge of the beach and a giant crane lifted each image and dropped it into the sea. Smaller images were carried to the sea by volunteers.

Police shut off a section of the main road and soon, restricted traffic even on feeder roads like South Canal Beach Road. This led to traffic jams in Mandaveli and Mylapore.

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