Kolu doll hawkers set up shop on North Mada Street

KOLU DOLLS SALES-AT-NORTHMADA STREET  ON 13-9-13North Mada Street is slowly coming alive to the Navarathri festival season. Rains this past week discouraged the hawkers from unloading the kolu dolls and the subsequent now on now off drizzle further dampened their spirit.

But as the sun came out on Friday morning, the hawkers began to remove the plastic sheets that protected the wares and set up shop.

Dolls were put on sale here on the eve of Sri Krishna jayanthi but the sales were slow, said hawkers. They said that rising labour cost and power problems has affected work and trade for doll makers.

At one end of North Mada Street where swank jewellery showrooms now dominate the streetscape, a large Kolu Dolls Exhibition is on now. Well-timed, it showcases dolls made by artisans from different parts of the country – Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, Bengal and Tamil Nadu.

A few artisans are present here and are open to chats about their craft and work.

The marappachhi dolls section stood out as did some gaudily coloured dolls by people from Orissa.

By the weekend, this mada veedhi will sport more hawker stalls, all selling dolls for the Navaratri kolu.

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