Chennai Corporation to hold Open House on Sept.23 to discuss key Mylapore project

Chennai Corporation is holding a Open House in Alwarpet to discuss a key project plan that it has in mind for Mylapore.

The meeting will be held at the Corporation’s Community Hall on Sept.23, Monday 6 p.m. onwards and is open to all.

The meet intends to show to the public plans that the civic body has for the Sri Kapali Temple zone and for Luz Circle and to allow Mylaporeans to share their views.

Key to the plan is to pedestrianize this area with more space for pavements so that people can walk freely in this busy zone, create better parking lots for shoppers and tourists, create better-laid out roads that link up to the temple zone and regulate traffic flow.

The intention is to improve the temple zone so that temple-goers, visitors and shoppers have better access and enjoy the atmosphere and facilities, regulate traffic so that pedestrians can walk freely and create better access for tourists to this heritage precinct.

Community activists and NGOs have been involved in drawing some basic plans. The Corporation wants to listen to people on these plans.

A similar project is on for the Pondy Bazaar shopping zone.

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