Chennai Corporation ready to back plans to make mada veedhis ‘one way’, lay large pavements

Chennai Corporation is seriously considering a study and plan that suggests that pavements on the three mada veedhis around Sri Kapali Temple in Mylapore be made very wide and the veedhis will be declared only ‘one way’.

A public meeting was held this evening at a hall in Alwarpet for stake holders to listen to the plans made by a NGO and to make suggestions. The meeting was attended by a Joint Commissioner of the civic body and senior engineers.

Close to 100 people participated.

The idea is to pedestrianize the mada veedhis to enable people shopping here or visiting the temple to enjoy walking to their destination and to take the maddening traffic off the streets. It also intends to allow tourists a freer walk through this zone.

The plan also includes changes on R K Mutt Road.

Also in the plan is a redesign of the wide Luz Church Road which is now a ‘one way’ road where traffic flows from east to west. The design includes wide pavements on both sides of the road, designated and large parking lots and a centre boulevard space that will also sport displays that highlight the heritage spots of this area.

Corporation engineers say that once the actual designs for the project are approved, they can seek contracts and put the project in action in less than 2 months.

NGOs working on these plans say that the civic body is keen about these initiatives. But all these parties will need to communicate their plans to more Mylaporeans so that the community is on board. Today’s meeting was hastily decided and did not have a cross section of Mylaporeans in its midst.



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