Souvenir released by jeer of Sri Ahobila Mutt

maha samprokshanam- 2013, souvenir  realse at sri vedantha desikar temple on 16-6-13Sri Ranganathan Yatheendra Mahadesikan, 46th jeer of Sri Ahobila Mutt and Sri Ranga Ramanuja Mahadesikan (Srimushnam) on Sunday evening took part  at the release of a special souvenir at Sri Vedantha Desikar Temple, Mylapore.

The souvenir has been brought out on the occasion of maha samprokshanam here and it traces the history of this temple and all the people and bodies that have been associated with it.

The temple underwent a major renovation and the donors like TVS, The Hindu and Apollo Hospitals were recognized at the Sunday evening event held at the temple campus in Mylapore.



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