Aadhaar Card process for Mylaporeans to begin on July 5

Aadhaar Card process is to begin in the Mylapore area on July 5. M R V Krishna Rao is the Joint Director at the Census Department, which is working alongside the city civic body on the Aadhaar Card project. Here are extracts from a phone interview done on Thursday, June 27:

Is the start date for this zone fixed?

Yes. The process for people living in the old Zone 10 area starts on July 5.

What will happens when the process begins on July 5?

Volunteers will distribute KYR ( Know Your Residence ) form at your doorstep. This will be done across 2/3 days. You need to fill up the form and bring it to the biometric centre. It helps if you also carry a slip given to you during the census registration. But if you don’t have it it doesn’t matter.

Where is the camp held?

Each ward will have a centre – a school or civic office. This camp will remain in operation for at least 10/12 days till the entire process is over. Here, staff will enter the data provided by you. Take your photo, do a recordings of eyes and thumbs. The thumb impression has been taking more time.

There are reports that the staff commit mistakes while entering the data?

We have learnt of this. Please assist the staff as much as you can.

What happens next?

You will get a message of acknowledgment of the registration. But that will take 30 plus days. The cards will be issued later.

Who is executing the work at ground level?

Chennai Corporation’s zonal office and officers. Since the process was undertaken before the city civic zone reorganization was done, we follow the old system. So, Zone 10 covers people in Mylapore and Adyar. The ARO at the zone 10 will know of the operations and he keeps us posted.

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3 Comments on “Aadhaar Card process for Mylaporeans to begin on July 5”

  1. What is the procedure in case we are not in station , As I am likely to come back to chennai only by sep end from US
    how will I apply for Aadhaar .

  2. First, the phone #24911992 published in leading news paper remains out of reach. People in Mylapore are not famillar with Zone No changes.
    The concerned must advise streets covered by the old zone10. Moreover the Aadhar form is not user friendly.More attention must be given on educating the residents first before embarking on mamoth excercise

  3. I am not sure if this excercise would go thro without hicccups. First, the phone #24911992 published in leading news paper remains out of reach. People in Mylapore are not famillar with Zone No changes.
    The concerned must advise streets covered by the old zone10. Moreover the Aadhar form is not user friendly.More attention must be given on educating the residents first before embarking on mamoth excercise

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