May 12 event; Book on ‘In Adoration of Kamakshi’

Adi Sankara Advaita Research Centre, is a registered society started in 1975 at the behest of and with the blessings of Mahaperiyaval of Kanchi Kamakoti Mutt to propagate the ideals of Adi Sankara.

In connection with Sankara Jayanthi celebrations, the Centre is releasing a book “In Adoration of Kamakshi” on Sunday, May 12 , 6 pm at Srinivasa Sastri Hall.

It has been written by Dr R. Asha and will be released  by Prof. Prameela Gurumurthy, HoD, Dept of Music, Madras University. A talk on ‘ Jivanmukti’ by Prof. N Veezhinathan is scheduled. Prasadam at 8 p.m. Open to all.

Ph: 28366962, Mobile:98407 66538

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