Akshya Tritiya rush in Mylapore

akshayathridhi  -j.sumathi ( bank costumer ) gold purchase at indian bank ,mylapore  on 13-5-13.It was Akshya Tritiya day today and shoppers headed out to buy what they love to invest in on such a day – gold.

At Indian Bank’s Mylapore branch on North Mada Street, there was a special sale of gold coins and slabs. Coins in 1, 2 and 5 grams were on sale. Bank staff said that many people paid for bookings and the gold would be delivered to them soon.

The jewellery shops on the same road were busier than usual this morning.

akshaya thridi -gold jewels sales at nac jewellers in mylapore on 13-5-13At NAC Jewellers, which has recently opened a new store in T Nagar shoppers took their time to choose their best. A manager here said that they expected a big stream of shoppers later in the day.

Elsewhere, big brand shops for jewellery were colourfully decorated for this occasion. Khazana Jewellers on R K Mutt Road and Kirtilals on C P Ramaswamy Road, Alwarpet.

Photos here were taken at Indian Bank and NAC Jewellers.

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