Art in the Park!

SWP Mexican art pixAs part of the Weekend at the Park series, Sundaram Finance organised a Mexican art & craft workshop called ‘Ojo De Dios’ on Saturday evening at the Nageswara Rao Park, Luz for around 30 children aged 8 to 13years.

The children learnt the Mexican art that involved both a simple and a complex weaving pattern made from brightly coloured combinations of yarn, across two or more sticks.

The art is believed to have originated with the Huichol Indians of Mexico, who made them for good luck.

These vibrant creations of art can be used to create wall hangings, pen stands or even as a pattern for a t-shirt. The simplicity of this craft is what makes it a perfect kid’s craft.

Sundaram Finance presented certificates to all the children who participated in the workshop.

The objective of the Weekend at the Park activity is to encourage children to step out of the confines of their homes and enjoy nature while using the spaces in the park constructively and creatively.

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