Women entrepreneurs’ sale at C P Art Centre

womens-exhibition-cpt-art-cSince 1994, to celebrate International Women’s Day, C.P. Art Centre has been organising annual exhibitions of art, craft, textiles and food items made by women and women entrepreneurs.

This year, the Women’s Craft Bazaar is on from March 7 to 12 and will have stalls in all the halls in this campus.

Women from rural areas, from Chennai’s hutments, middle class women and economically disadvantaged women besides self-employed will display and offer what they make and sell.

From pottery pieces to pickles to woven accessories and garments, from jewellery to foodstuff, the sale will offer a variety to shoppers.

The entire proceeds of the sales go to the participants and all expenses are covered by C.P. Art Centre.

The exhibition and sale will be on from10 a.m.to 7 p.m.

Actor Suhasini Maniratnam dropped by at the sale – a NGO she supports has put up a sewing facility stall here.

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